Sanctuary Alive

Two Paths Merging Together

Dave Smith

Life is all about relationships—and relationships will move the world and make it go ‘round.  You see, I was a self-centered person.  I thought in a certain way.  My life revolved around my work, my goals in life—prospering me.  Time was valuable; if well spent I would prosper.

Then I met Jean Marie, my little Sweet Petunia.  You know how it happens—the inflection in her voice, her words, the sparkle in her eyes, the way she moves—she got my attention.  Self-centered became more her-centered, became more us-centered, and you have the beginning of a family.  Jean Marie brought her time, talents and gifts to the altar of sacrifice willingly as I did and we became one, moving in a certain direction.  “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”  (Amos 3:3).

That fireside Bible study Mike and I had with his prophetic statement, “We need to build a sanctuary” was both profound and, I believe, prophetic.  You see, it’s all about relationship.  Sanctuary Alive is about a wheel within a wheel that Mike and I have—a relationship—a ministry, a blending of talents to move people to a better relationship with God and His people through an understanding of His complete plan of salvation in types and symbols.

Mike brings his talents and skills in physically building an attractive structure that best represents God’s physical plan of the human life while God has inspired me in understanding the mental aspects of the sanctuary message.  There’s no boasting; we both recognize and respect each God-given talent.  We have ministry.  I believe that is what God is looking for in the church—a movement in God’s direction.  As we study together God’s plan as it is in the sanctuary—which is the full gospel, the “good news”—we will see His plan for dealing with the sin problem.  Then we will grow physically, mentally and spiritually in the right direction and we will have a real relationship with God and His people.