We are so excited that you would like to get involved with Sanctuary Alive. Involvement in ministry is one of the most exciting things you'll ever do. The coolest part is that you get to experience first hand God working to transform lives, and knowing that you are using your gifts and talents to advance His kingdom. You might be good at sewing, writing, talking with people, or maybe you have a little extra time each day that can be spent in prayer for Sanctuary Alive. Whatever you gift, God can use it. Listed below are ways you can help us right now. Read through the list and then complete the Contact Us form, and send it to us. From time to time new items will be added to the list. If you don't see your specific gift write and tell us. We would love to hear from you.
Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering. Exodus 25:2

Prayer is by far the most important part of this ministry. Prayer is how we stay connected to God and His will for us. Please pray for Sanctuary Alive each day. This ministry is a tremendous tool for evangelism. Thousands will have the opportunity to recieve a blessing from this ministry and we need your prayers. If you would like to become a Prayer Warrior please Contact Us so we can send you up-dates and specific things or persons to pray for.

Sanctuary Alive, Inc. costs a tremendous amount not only to build, but to run and maintain. If the Lord has blessed you finacially, we would like to ask that you consider partnering with SAI as we work for the harvesting of souls. It maybe as litle as $25.00 Dollars a month or a considerably larger amount. Whatever the amout, you are investing in souls for the kingdom. That is by far the best investment you can ever make., investment for eternity.