About Him
Traditional website About Us pages tells you all about who they are and what they are all about. I would like to suggest that it's not about us but all about Him. He is the reason we exist. It is because of His grace, His Love, and His forgiveness that we do what we do. It is His light the we wish to share with the world. In this scroll you will learn what its is we are doing and message we want to share. You will stay up to date with the progress we are making in the various projects and even a photo gallery. But as you journey with us in this ministry, always remember. It's not About Us....it's About Him!
Sanctuary Alive Was Born
Sanctuary Alive was born out of another dream. I had a dream of building a camp that would show case God incredible love, creativity and wonder. What better way then to build a camp around the worlds largest nature center found in the book Genesis. My dream was to build a full scale Noah's Ark with everything form an "Arktrium" to an Imax. A cafe as well as dinning for our young campers. There would even be themed cabins on the top floor. Each level would would depict the various days in the creation week. Animals, birds, fish, waterfalls, flowers, trees, the list goes on. There's even supposed to be a planetarium. This was a tremendous dream. If you would like to see this dream you can check it out by going to www.campcreation.org.

As I began designing in detail all the different aspect that would be involved with Camp Creation, I began to realize just how big this dream really was. He also started to get the feeling that there was just not enough time left in this world as we know it. In June of 2008 a seed was planted. Messiah's Mansion came to the Shenandoah Valley with a full scale exhibit of the Wilderness Tabernacle. I was fortunate enough to go on one of the tours they were offering and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was particularly interested in the structure and how it was all put together. The following Sunday morning I was able to help Messiah's Mansion pack everything up and load it into a semi trailer. For about a year, while working on my plans for Camp Creation as well as making a living. My mind kept going back and forth between Camp Creation and the the Wilderness Tabernacle. Towards the end of the summer of 2009 Dave and I were sitting around the fire talking about the impact in our community that Messiah's Mansion had made, and what an incredible tool for evangelism they had. That is when it hit me. I was building the wrong Ark. I wasn't supposed to build Noah's Ark, I am supposed to build God's Ark. The Ark of the Covenant. So while sitting around that fire I basically said "Lets build it, let's build a sanctuary."

I believe we are living in the last days of earth's history, and I believe God is calling you and me to spread His message of salvation through the sanctuary to every person who has eye's to see and ears the hear. This sanctuary message is a wonderful package of symbols and truths that point directly to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that was slain. It shows us all that he has done and all that He is doing right now on our behalf.
Would you join us in sharing God love and His message of salvation?
The Process Begins

Since we decide to go forward with this ministry we have been laying the ground work for the business end of things. We have also build a very nice booth for conventions and displays for promoting Sanctuary Alive. The display consist of pillars and a full size Ark of the Covenant. Sanctuary Alive has also been working on our new website. We want to thank Simple Updates their work in building this website. Work has also started on the two angel sculptures for the Ark of the Covenant. Clint Ratliff, an incredible sculpture has been working on these angles and doing an amazing job.

Messiah's Mansion
Messiah’s Mansion is another sanctuary message ministry that has been in operation for about 6 years now, sharing the message of salvation to thousands of visitors each year. We are grateful for their help, their invaluable knowledge and insight, as we build Sanctuary Alive. Some of the pictures in this site are borrowed from Messiah’s Mansion. If you would like to visit Messiah’s Mansion, you may do so by going to their website at www.messiahsmansion.com. If you ever get a chance to visit their sanctuary exhibit, you will not be disappointed. If you’ve already gone, go again! For current schedule Click Here!
SAI Team and Contributors
Sanctuary Alive is excited to have individuals who are dedicated in sharing the message of salvation through the sanctuary. The collective wealth of knowledge, presented here, concerning the sanctuary we hope and pray will stir hearts and minds to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on a more personal and deeper level. You can read their short biographies and follow links to learn more about them and thier ministries.

Michael A. Moulder, Jr. - President and Engineer
Mike has 8 years of experience as a staff member in Seventh-day Adventist camps (Camp Wawona, CA and Camp Blue Ridge, VA), working in maintenance services, programming, and management. He is the self-employed President of Moulder Metal, a metal fabrication, construction, and maintenance company. He has extensive experience in all facets of construction, support and maintenance. Mike has an A.A. Degree in Liberal and Industrial Arts from Columbia Union College.

David C. Smith - Vice Presiden, Evangelism and Content Development
Dave is the self - employed President of AlarmSmith, a electrical contracting and alarm intallation and support company. He has over 25 years experience in business management and electrical contracting. Dave has a B.A. in Theology from Atlantic Union College and Holds a Masters Electricians License. One of Dave's quotes is... "I'm a Christian first and foremost and I am here to advance His kindom. I provide for that and my family through my electrical and alarm business.

Clyde W. Anderson - Vice President, Business Management
Clyde has over 30 years of management experience in marketing, sales, business development, client relations and customer service within Fortune 500 high technology companies. He is self-employed as a business consultant specializing in marketing, sales and customer service. Clyde has a B.A. in English & American Studies from Lynchburg College.

Robert Van Ornam - Messaging and Content Development
For 26 years Robert has taught junior and senior high school students, and aduts, how to study the Bible. He is currently teaching religion a Shenandoah Valley Academy in Virginia. He holds a M.A. in Religion, with a Theology emphasis, from Loma Linda University. He has served as a missionary in South Korea and Kenya, East Africa.

Jean Marie Smith - Content Development, Contributor, and Editor
Jean Marie, the devoted wife of Dave, has a background in nursing and management, with a B.S. in Nursing from the University of Maryland, and graduate coursework in health care administration. She has over 20 years experience as a health educator in lecture, cooking demonstration, and counseling situations. Jean Marie also has training in copy editing, and free lances for the Adult Bible Study Guide of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, as well as for others.

Mark Trethewey - Contributor
Mark Trethewey has shown his passion for teaching the principles of the Sanctuary to churches, prayer meetings and children's groups. He has been a quest speaker in numerous churches and has done extensive traveling at home and abroad as a Christian musician and songwriter. You can see more of Mark by visiting his website at www.marktrethewey.com.