Dave Smith
Sanctuary Alive began from a simple Bible study. I was approached by a 6’4” solid hulk of a young man who asked me to do Bible studies with him and his wife. I knew them to be solid members in the church, so I asked, “You mean you want me to teach you how to give Bible studies?” He emphatically said, “No, I want you to come and do Bible studies with me and my family.” You see, Mike and Wendy Moulder grew up in the church, they went to all the “right” schools, are active members in their church, and at one time were Conference workers at a camp and retreat center. Yet this young man felt something was missing in his experience with God.
Our Bible studies went from the dining room table, processed study guide approach to an outside sit around the fireside, heart to heart relationship, where we began to talk about the sanctuary. We shared about “The Way”—God’s way in types and symbols, the plan of salvation, His way to deal with the sin problem in each one of us. It was on one of those late nights when Jean Marie, my wife, and Wendy left our sides because of the lateness of the hour and we were not winding down, Mike made a startling statement. Being a talented craftsman and builder, he stated, “We need to build a sanctuary.” I was caught off guard, but his point was well stated. Sanctuary Alive—the idea was born at that moment yet has progressed a lot slower than the two of us would like to admit. You see, Mike is a top quality craftsman and builder who lacks funds, and I am a spiritual, budding theologian who cannot write easily and getting thoughts on paper for me is like getting teeth pulled—you know you have to do it but you keep putting it off.
Through the providence of God I find myself working at Washington Adventist University in the Facilities Department as an electrician, given the privilege of sharing a 10 minute devotional talk each morning to our Department employees before we begin work. One subject that rises above the others, that ties Scripture together from Genesis to Revelation, is the Sanctuary message. It is the righteousness of Christ.
On this website, I will endeavor to give you in writing what I call “sanctuary nuggets”, or snapshots. What I mean by snapshot is like most of Scripture—there is a lot more that could be said, but time with the Lord and His Word will fill in the gaps. It is my prayer that God will bless this writer with words that will open the eyes of the reader to see God’s plan in perfecting a people for His soon second coming—to meet Him in the air “without spot, wrinkle, or any such thing, but holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27).
I also pray that the Lord will bless this ministry with the necessary funds so that Mike can use his talents to build a mobile sanctuary that we can use as a teaching tool to awaken the world to God’s glorious plan for their lives, and we can truly become a “Sanctuary Alive”.