Check out what we have to offer below. If you would like to request SAI please contact us.
Many are not familiar with the sanctuary message. If you would like to know more or would like to share this message with your local church, school or community we would love to help. With our Sanctuary Alive Presents program we will come and give a small presentation or sermon to your group or church. This is a great way to kick start a sanctuary study in your own church.
The 10'x10' exhibit consists of 5 pillars and veil backdrop, a full scale Ark of the Covenant, and a scale model of the sanctuary. The model is on the top of the mercy seat in place of the angels for teaching and discussion. This exhibit is great for conventions, youth rallies, school fairs, camp meetings, seminars, week of pray, and more.
Full Scale Sanctuary Exhibit

Our full scale model of the wilderness sanctuary will consist of the Tabernacle and it's court, a few meeting tents, a market place, youth, costumed actors, live animals and more. This exhibit will truly give the visitor a unique perspective of how things might have been, and, more importantly, what it means for us today. From setting up, to giving tours, and finally packing it all up, it will be an experience you won't want to miss.
(Please note that this exhibit is not up and running yet. It is a work in progress!)